Blockchain Week App

Launch a Blockchain Week Event in your locality and engage with the entire congregation via our app!

Raising Awareness Of Blockchain

Blockchain Weeks
bridge the gap between reality & the digital realm

Blockchain Weeks
bridge the gap between reality & the digital realm

Start a Blockchain Week!

We provide the tools for blockchain enthusiasts to launch blockchain events utilizing a variety of Web2 and Web3 apps

AI Chatbot

We build AI Chat bots for your everyday business. Create bots for to guide customers for product information, order history, marketing campaigns, etc. automate your cost for customer inquiries and support

Custom CRM

Setup mini apps for e-commerce, maps, events, etc. Keep track of business performance and metrics like sales and page views, providing insights into performance.

Web3 Apps

Earn crypto on sales, provide affiliate revenue to promoters, support crypto and credit card payments to onboard both web2 and web3 audiences.